Learn based on Real
Learning process is not only based on textbooks.Nowadays it is essential for the students to learn more beyond their text books and know the way to practically apply the things that they learn in the real life.
In this situation, it is necessary for the educational institutions to add experiential learning in their curriculum. In simple terms experiential learning can be stated as experience based learning, creation of knowledge by transforming experience and it is about application knowledge.
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Experiential learning cycle involves:-
* Concrete experience
* Reflective observation
* Abstract conceptualization
* Active experimentation
Experiential learning will help the students to know their area of interest as they are able to learn what they do. Schools have to teach problem solving skills to the students and ways to handle real life situations from young age itself. Teachers and parents have to encourage the students to find different solutions for specific problems. As experience teaches more than anything, students will be able to know their strength and weakness.
Teachers need to make the students what they learn by exhibiting real time examples. Students have to be given different roles and tasks which will enable them to develop their skills. Teachers has to have a good relationship with the students, guide them, listen to what the students says and help them in making decisions.
In this learning, students also must be cooperative to achieve the real goal. Students have to actively take part in the experience based learning. They must have the ability to reflect on the experience, use analytical skills to conceptualize the experience, have decision making and problem solving skills. This will enable them to gain knowledge from the experience.
Make use of experiential learning inorder to enable the students to handle the real life situations with confidence and enhance their knowledge.
As an individual we have different nature and thoughts, similarly our learning style differ. Learning is must for everyone to succeed in life. It is required to know what is happening around us, analyzing things and for innovations. All have liking towards learning but understand the concepts differently.
Learning is continuous process and there is no end. Everyone have follow own way by which they learn. Some learn best by practical observation, some prefer theory concepts while some like to memorize information. Some people feels that their learning is effective when they study in calm place while some prefer to study listening to music and noise doesn't distract them.
There are many such circumstances that determine our way of learning. When you realize that your learning is effective by seeing pictures or images then your learning comes under visual style. These kinds of learners struggle with verbal direction and easily get distracted with noise. Then it comes auditory learners, who learn well by hearing and speaking. These kinds of people are very jovial and talkative but are slow learners and find difficulty in writing. They are good voice recognizers.
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People who learn best by moving around and deal with physical objects come under Kinesthetic learning style. They find difficult to sit for long hours in one place and struggle with reading. These kinds of learners generally like outdoor work and are very coordinated. Some learn good by writing and fall under verbal style who learn by reading books and take notes. They too find difficult with verbal direction and get distracted by noise. Like that there are many learning style like some are good in logical studies, some prefer to study in group while the some other prefer self study.
We have different insight thus it is quite essential for us to know which learning style suit us to the best. Knowing your learning style will enables you to develop deep understanding on the concepts.
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